Haryana GK Question Paper No. 15

Haryana GK Objective Question and Answer Sample Paper No. 15: Haryana General Knowledge (GK) Objective Questions with Answer in Sample Question Paper with Collection of 10 Quiz from Haryana GK and India GK based on Haryana Civil Services Pre. Exam Question 2013. Candidates having Android smart Phone can download complete Haryana Civil Services Pre. Exam Question 2013 Solved from "INDIA GK" Mobile App: http://tinyurl.com/indiagk  under "STATE PSC PAPERS".
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Haryana GK Sample Question Paper 15: 
Under the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act a wife will not be entitled to maintenance if?
A. She is unchaste
B. Her husband has ceased to be a Hindu
C. She is suffering from a venereal disease in communicable form
D. All of the above
Answer: A

A Nikah solemnised in the absence of Qazi is?
A. Valid
B. Void
C. Irregular
D. None of the above
Answer: A

As a general rule interest in the coparcenary property is acquired by virtue of?
 A. Birth
B. Inheritance
C. Marriage
D. None of the above
Answer: A

Customs are an important source of Hindu Law One of the following is not a necessary feature of Customs?
A. Uniformity
B. Certainty
C. Conformity with public policy
D. None of the above
Answer: D

The term ‘offence’ is defined under Section of IPC?
A. 41
B. 42
C. 40
D. 43
Answer: C

In the IPC nothing is an offence when it is done by a child below?
A. 12 years of age
B. Above seven but below 12 years of age
C. Below14 years of age
D. None of the above
Answer: D

A under the influence of grave provocation by Z kills Y, Z’s child A is guilty of?
A. Culpable homicide
B. Murder
C. Grievous hurt
D. No offence as he was under provocation
Answer: B

Under section 376 of the IPC A public servant committing raps on a woman in his custody shall be punishable with?
A. Rigorous imprisonment up to 7years
B. Rigorous imprisonment of at least 8years
C. Rigorous imprisonment up to 10years
D. None of the above
Answer: D

A crime under section 399 can sufficiently attract punishment under the IPC at the stage of?
A. Intention
B. Preparation
C. Attempt
D. Commission
Answer: B

Section 511 of the India Penal Code applies to offences punish able under the?
A. Indian Penal Code
B. Any Special Law
C. Any Local Law
D. All of the above
Answer: A

Haryana GK Question Paper No. 14

Haryana GK Objective Question and Answer Sample Paper No. 14: Haryana General Knowledge (GK) Objective Questions with Answer in Sample Question Paper with Collection of 10 Quiz from Haryana GK and India GK based on Haryana Civil Services Pre. Exam Question 2013. Candidates having Android smart Phone can download complete Haryana Civil Services Pre. Exam Question 2013 Solved from "INDIA GK" Mobile App: http://tinyurl.com/indiagk  under "STATE PSC PAPERS".
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"Samanya Gyan" App in हिंदी: http://tinyurl.com/HindiGK
"India GK" App in English: http://tinyurl.com/IndiaGK
Haryana GK Sample Question Paper 14: 
Which of the following sections deals with personal bars to the remedy of specific relief?
A. 14
B. 15
C. 16
D. 17
Answer: C

The period of limitation for a suit to claim compensation for false imprisonment is-
A. One year
B. Two years
C. Three years
D. Twelve years
Answer: A

Which section of the Haryana Urban (control of Rent and Eviction) Act, 1973 deals with eviction of tenants?
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13

A petition for divorce may be presented under section 13(1) A if even after the passing of a decree for restitution of conjugal rights, which have not been restored for a period of at least-
A. 2 years
B. 6 months
C. 1 year
D. 18 months
Answer: C

Naveen Kohli Vs. Neelu Kohli’s case dealt with-
A. Irretrievable breakdown of marriage
B. Adultery
C. Divorce by mutual consent
D. Conversion
Answer: A

The decree of Restitution of Conjugal Rights can be enforced under the following provision of CPC-
A. Order 21 Rule 32
B. Order 22 Rule 31
C. Order 21 Rule 25
D. None of the above
Answer: A

The period of annulment of marriage on the ground of Fraud is-
A. One year from the date of knowing the fact of Fraud
B. Six months from the date of knowledge of Fraud
C. Within two years from the incident
D. Within fourteen months from the date of knowledge of fraud
Answer: A

Forced intercourse by a man with his wife while a decree of judicial separation is in effect-
A. Is punishable under the Hindu Marriage Act
B. Is punishable under the Indian penal code
C. Is not an offence in India
D. None of the above
Answer: B

One of the following is not a condition for determining the capacity of a male Hindu to adopt-
A. Consent of wife under certain circumstances
B. Majority
C. Soundness of mind
D. Must be necessarily married
Answer: D

A Hindu man wants to adopt a girl child.  The difference in age between the two should be-
A. At least 21 years
B. At least 15 years
C. At least 24 years
D. None of the above
Answer: A

Haryana GK Question Paper No. 13

Haryana GK Objective Question and Answer Sample Paper No. 13: Haryana General Knowledge (GK) Objective Questions with Answer in Sample Question Paper with Collection of 10 Quiz from Haryana GK and India GK based on Haryana Civil Services Pre. Exam Question 2013. Candidates having Android smart Phone can download complete Haryana Civil Services Pre. Exam Question 2013 Solved from "INDIA GK" Mobile App: http://tinyurl.com/indiagk  under "STATE PSC PAPERS".
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"Samanya Gyan" App in हिंदी: http://tinyurl.com/HindiGK
"India GK" App in English: http://tinyurl.com/IndiaGK
Haryana GK Sample Question Paper 13: 
The following are not included in the right to personal liberty-
A. Right to go abroad
B. Right to human dignity
C. Right to undertrial prisoners not to be detained for unreasonably long period
D. Right not to be detained beyond 24 hours in police custody
Answer: D

During the proclamation of Emergency, the duration of the House of people may be extended by the parliament for a period not exceeding……….at a time.
A. one year
B. six months
C. nine months
D. eighteen months
Answer: A

When the president refers a matter to the supreme court-
A. The court is bound to render its opinion
B. The court is bond to render its opinion when it is a dispute of the kind mentioned in the proviso to Article 131
C. The court is bound to render its opinion when it is a dispute of the kind mentioned in Article 71
D. The court is bound to render its opinion when it is a dispute of the kind mentioned in Article 72
Answer: C

Which of the following grounds is necessary to be proved in order to remove a speaker of any Legislative Assembly?
A. Misbehaviour
B. Incapacity
C. Conduct involving moral turpitude
D. None of the above
Answer: D

Questions as to the age of a judge of a High court are to be decided by-
A. President
B. Chief Justice of the concerned High court
C. Governor
D. Chief Justice of India
Answer: A

Which of the following section deal with an implied warranty in every contract of sale?
A. 14(a)
B. 14(b)
C. 15
D. 16(2)
Answer: B

Which of the following rights of an unpaid-seller can be exercised only when the buyer has become insolvent and not otherwise?
A. Right of lien
B. Right of Re-sale
C. Right of Stoppage in transit
D. Right to Sue
Answer: C

As per section 41, the buyer must have the reasonable opportunity to examine the goods for the purpose of ascertaining-
A. The goods are in a deliverable state
B. The goods are of merchantable quality
C. The goods are in conformity with the contract
D. All of the above
Answer: C

Within how many months of attaining majority, a minor admitted into the benefits of a partnership firm must decide whether he wants to become a partner in the firm?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Six
D. Twelve
Answer: C

Generally, an introduction of a new partner in a partnership firm would require the consent of-
A. The majority of the partners
B. All the partners
C. The majority of partners barring the dormant partners
D. The partners having majority share in the firm
Answer: B

Haryana GK Question Paper No. 12

Haryana GK Objective Question and Answer Sample Paper No. 12: Haryana General Knowledge (GK) Objective Questions with Answer in Sample Question Paper with Collection of 10 Quiz from Haryana GK and India GK based on Haryana Civil Services Pre. Exam Question 2013. Candidates having Android smart Phone can download complete Haryana Civil Services Pre. Exam Question 2013 Solved from "INDIA GK" Mobile App: http://tinyurl.com/indiagk  under "STATE PSC PAPERS".
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"Samanya Gyan" App in हिंदी: http://tinyurl.com/HindiGK
"India GK" App in English: http://tinyurl.com/IndiaGK
Haryana GK Sample Question Paper 12: 
Practising untouchability is-
A. Violation of a constitutional right
B. A criminal offence
C. Both A and B
D. Violation of a legal right only
Answer: C

Petitions to the supreme court under Article 32 are subject to the rule of Res judicata except-
A. Quo Warranto
B. Habeas corpus
C. Certiorari
D. Prohibition
Answer: B

Which one of the following is a ground on which the state can imposed reasonable restrictions on the right to move freely throughout the territory of India?
A. Security of the state
B. Decency
C. Morality
D. Protecting the Interests of any scheduled Tribe
Answer: D

As per Article 21 A, the state shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of-
A. Six to fourteen years
B. Six to twelve years
C. Six to ten years
D. Six to eighteen years
Answer: A

According to Article 50, the state shall take steps to-
A. Separate the judiciary from the executive in the public services of the state
B. Separate functioning of judiciary from executive
C. Separate the powers of judiciary from the executive
D. Separate the powers of judiciary from the legislature
Answer: A

What the president is to be impeached, the charge shall be preferred by-
A. Either House of the parliament
B. The Upper House of the parliament
C. The Lower House of the parliament
D. Both the Houses of the parliament simultanecously
Answer: A

What is the minimum age to be eligible for becoming the president of India?
A. 35
B. 45
C. 55
D. 25
Answer: A

What is the meaning of ‘lex loci’?
A. Law of land
B. Sovereignty is essential for enacting laws
C. Law of the land is supreme
D. Crown has supreme authority
Answer: A

The words ‘socialist’ and ‘secular’ were inserted in the preamble by amendment of the constitution-
A. 15th
B. 39th
C. 42th
D. 44th
Answer: C

As per as Armed Forces are concerned the fundamental rights granted under Article 14 and 19 of the constitution are-
A. Not available at all
B. Available to armed forces but not to other forces
C. Available only at the discretion of the chief of Army Staff
D. Available only according to law made by parliament
Answer: D

Haryana GK Question Paper No. 11

Haryana GK Objective Question and Answer Sample Paper No. 11: Haryana General Knowledge (GK) Objective Questions with Answer in Sample Question Paper with Collection of 10 Quiz from Haryana GK and India GK based on Haryana Civil Services Pre. Exam Question 2013. Candidates having Android smart Phone can download complete Haryana Civil Services Pre. Exam Question 2013 Solved from "INDIA GK" Mobile App: http://tinyurl.com/indiagk  under "STATE PSC PAPERS".
For Download Free Android Mobile App:
"Samanya Gyan" App in हिंदी: http://tinyurl.com/HindiGK
"India GK" App in English: http://tinyurl.com/IndiaGK
Haryana GK Sample Question Paper 11: 
In relation to devolution of joint liabilities, as a general rule the Indian Contract Act incorporates the principle of-
A. Survivorship
B. Succession
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Answer: A

Competency to contract relates to-
A. Age of the parties
B. Soundness of mind of the parties
C. Both age and soundness of mind
D. Intelligence of the parties
Answer: C

An agreement enforceable by law at the instance of one party and not of other party under section 2(1) is called-
A. A valid contract
B. An illegal contract
C. A void contract
D. A voidable contract
Answer: D

A general offer open for world at large can be accepted-
A. By sending a communication of acceptance
B. By complying with the conditions of offer
C. By tendering himself to comply the conditions of offer
D. None of the above
Answer: B

A sub-agent is responsible to the principal on which of the following grounds?
A. Fraud or Negligence
B. Negligence or Deceit
C. Wilful wrong or Fraud
D. Wilful wrong or Negligence
Answer: C

Which of the following section of the Indian contract Act provides that the responsibility of finder of goods is similar to that of a bailee?
A. 69
B. 70
C. 71
D. 72
Answer: C

Under section 6 of the specific Relief Act, 1963, a person cannot sue for recovering the possession of immovable property-
A. After six months from the date of dispossession
B. After nine months from the date of dispossession
C. After twelve months from the date of dispossession
D. After twenty-four months from the date of dispossession
Answer: A

Which of the following is not a ground on which a reasonable restrictions on the right to freedom of speech and expression can be imposed?
A. Security of the state
B. Public order
C. Morality
D. Public policy
Answer: D

Which of the following is included in the definition of ‘Law’ as provided in Article 13?
A. Bye-Law
B. Custom having the force of law
C. Usage having the force of law
D. All of the above
Answer: D

Which one of the following is a ground which is not mentioned in both Articles 15 and Article 16 on which the state cannot discriminate?
A. Race
B. Caste
C. Residence
D. Place of Birth
Answer: C